I am what i am.

From this moment, I tried to write this blog in English. Despite to improve my own capability of writing in English, I'm kinda bored and needed something new yet different.

Okay, let's say. Nowadays, things keep runnin' around in my head, dunno, but I feel kinda lonely. Ever wondering why I like metal songs so much? Because they make my surroundings fulfilled with things I can't explain. It helps me to maintain my anxiety to become exploded and gone crazy. I'm sure every person have their own mental issues. And every person has their own solution to breakthrough it. But, here is me, trying to look good and happy, work hard to nailing every problems that come and go, standing firm with a bleeding heart, heads up with a lot of tears.

Sounds of anxiety is louder than thunder, it keeps me awake every night, stabbing me continuously. I tried to release the pain to music, poems, photography, editing some kinds of stuff. And yeah, it keeps me alive and proud until today. Questions after questions are hitting me like crazy. Am I that worth to be admired? Can I be praised? Did I deserve their feelings and attention? No, please, I'm not that good, I'm a man with a broken life, with a dark past. Just leave me alone, let me be me.

No one has the right to have me, to control me, to own me. Let me keep my admiration to someone I admire, and please don't ask me to hold and creating a steady relationship. I'm not ready for that. Love is such a sacred thing in my perspective. And for the people out there claims that they know me that bad, just shut up, you don't know even the fifty percent of me, mind your own life, leave me be.

Don't ask other people about me, ask me. I'll answer loud and clear, I'll tell you what I am.


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